Manitoba Randonneurs Routes

We are proud to bring you the best road cycling routes in Manitoba (with a little gravel mixed in). Follow the little red lines on the maps to discover beautiful parts of Manitoba that are a little off the beaten trail. 


All participants must be 2023 members of the Manitoba Randonneurs prior to ride registration.


See all routes in detail, and import the route to your GPS device on ridewithgps. 

Manitoba Randonneurs cycling long distances to a detour during a 400 km brevet.

Marchand 200

First run in 2017 as a safer alternative to the too-close-to-Steinbach Latke 200. Our only out-and-back style route, heading out from Winnipeg to Marchand and back.

Marchand 200, Manitoba Randonneurs, Brevet, Manitoba, cycling, bike, biking, Ste Anne, Landmark, Richer, St Adolphe, route

Start/end location:

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell) Park on Dalhousie Dr

Marchand 200 Cue Sheet 07h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 403.2 KB

Ste Gen 200

Added in 2017 to replace the infamous Spicy Radish 200. Don't underestimate the help of your cue sheet on this twisty route. 

St Gen 200, Manitoba Randonneurs, Brevet, Manitoba, cycling, bike, biking, Ste Anne, Landmark, Richer, St Adolphe, route

Start/end location:

2001 Henderson Hwy (Mountain Bean)

Park on Bonner Ave

Ste Gen 200 Cue Sheet 07h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 244.3 KB

Gravel Sand Hills 200

That's right: gravel. First run official run will be in 2023 but the test run went amazing with some beautiful roads and views. Also now with less murder dogs!


Start/end location:

2001 Henderson Hwy (Mountain Bean)

Park on Bonner Ave

Gravel Parkway 200

That's right: gravel. Known for the occasional 100% DNF rate. Of its 18 starters over the years, only four have finished.

Route map for the Gravel Parkway 200. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location:

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell) Park on Dalhousie Dr

Gravel Parkway 200 Cue Sheet 07h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 332.3 KB

Gull Lake 200

New for 2023! Designed as a 200km companion to the Great Falls 300. Named after Gull Lake near the halfway turnaround, which is the freshwater source for the Brokenhead Wetlands ecological area.

Start/end location:

2001 Henderson Hwy (Mountain Bean)

Park on Bonner Ave

Roland 200

Designed to run along the start of the Storm watch 400, this route is for those that want to ride but maybe not quite ready for a 400.

Start/end location:

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell) Park on Dalhousie Dr

Roland 200 - Cue Sheet - 05h00 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 215.1 KB

Lowe Farm 200

A companion ride that follows the Can-Am 400 but changes direction in Grunthal for a tour of Canola fields, the Rat River, the Marsh river and Red river. A quick visit to Lowe farm and then home.

Start/end location:

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell) Park on Dalhousie Dr

Cue Sheet - Lowe Farm 200 05h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 255.0 KB

Great Falls 300

A contender for the most beautiful route of the Manitoba Randonneurs. We recommend lunch in Whitemouth.


Route map for the Great Falls 300. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location:

2001 Henderson Hwy (Mountain Bean)

Park on Bonner Ave

Great Falls 300 Cue Sheet 06h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 419.2 KB

Forest Fire 300

Journey through the woodlands of southeast Manitoba. Added in 2015, this route became an instant favourite. 

Route map for the Forest Fire 300. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location:

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell)

Park on Dalhousie Dr

Forest Fire 300 Cue Sheet 06h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 243.9 KB

Neepawa 300

Test your climbing with this beautiful ride through Riding Mountain. With 1550M of elevation you have lots of time to enjoy the scenery.

Route map for the Forest Fire 300. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location:

Co-Op food store
30 Main Street E

Neepawa, MB

Neepawa 300 Cue Sheet 08h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 192.0 KB

Can-Am 400

As the name implies, the Can-Am 400 enters USA to visit Roseau, MN. Passports are required for successful completion.

Route map for the Can-Am 400. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location: 

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell)

Park on Dalhousie Dr

Can-Am 400 Cue Sheet 04h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 391.3 KB

Can-Am 400 (no Am)

The modified Can-Am, a result of Covid border closures.

Start/end location: 

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell)

Park on Dalhousie Dr

Cue Sheet - Can-Am 400 no Am 05h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 203.9 KB

Storm Watch 400

The first group to ride this route in 2016 was hit hard by southern Manitoba's fierce summer storms as they circled the hills of Pembina Valley. 

Route map for the Western 400. A new long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location: 

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell)

Park on Dalhousie Dr

Cue Sheet - Storm Watch 400 05h00 (alter
Adobe Acrobat Document 282.6 KB

Leon Lights 600

Our beloved 600 km classic. Named for the eerie red windmill lights when passing through St Leon after the sun has set.  

Route map for the Leon Lights 600. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location: 

3086 Pembina Hwy (Shell)

Park on Dalhousie Dr

Leon Lights 600 Cue Sheet 06h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 404.9 KB

Glenboro 600

A companion ride designed to ride out with the Riding Mountain 1000 which turns back for home at Glenboro.

Start/end location: 

4900 McGillivray Blvd 

(Humpty's at the Perimeter)

Cue Sheet - Glenboro 600 06h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 241.3 KB

Moon Lake 600

A companion ride to the Dauphin 1000 that tours both Riding mountain and Duck Mountain. The Ride ends at beautiful Moon lake for those worried about timings and then you can take a relaxed ride back to Dauphin (all downhill) what could be better.


Start/end location: 

HUSKY , 222 Main St S
Dauphin, MB R7N 1K6


Moon Lake 600 - Cue Sheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 142.1 KB

Riding Mountain 1000

An epic Manitoban adventure. This 75 hour time-limited ride is a journey of a lifetime.

Route map for the Riding Mountain 1000. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.

Start/end location: 

4900 McGillivray Blvd 

(Humpty's at the Perimeter)


Riding Mountain 1000 Cue Sheet 06h00.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 435.3 KB

Dauphin 1000

A new route for 2022 that features our Riding mountain national park and also Duck mountain

Start/end location: 

HUSKY , 222 Main St S
Dauphin, MB R7N 1K6


Daupin 1000 - Cue Sheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 397.5 KB

Swan River 1200

The first 1200 hosted by the Manitoba Randonneurs debuted in 2016. More details on the Swan River 1200 page.

Route map for the Swan River 1200. A long-distance cycling brevet of the Manitoba Randonneurs.